Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Need US Air Force advice please.?

If your asvab score is high enough do whatever job you want. If they are not offering your job when you go don't get discouraged, if you really want a certain job wait for one to open up. Yes though, you can sign up for a specific job and do it once your done with training. The BMT is not exactly like the army, all the branches are a little different. Its about paying attention to details, like folding your clothes a certain way, your bed a certain way and so on. You will go out in the field for a little while and play war, nothing major though. Women do the same as the Men, but your physical requirements aren't as tough, like the run, push ups and sit ups. I like it alot, and it opens up alot of opportunities. Hope this helps you out, but now you will have to get in touch with one of those pesky recruiters to get started. Good Luck!

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