Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Will Obama apologize to us for health care like he did to Chavez and Iran?

No why would he? Presidents rarely apologize even when they should. Just look at bush and Cheney, they did not apologize to the 4000 families who children were killed in a war that was based on lies. Nor did he apologize for breaking the law and using torture and rendition on suspects. He almost bankrupt the US and I have not heard any apologies from him, in fact the only people I hear apologizing lately have been Gov. Mark Sanford the Conservative Governor of North Carolina for having an affair on his wife and for misusing tax payers money. I also heard John Ensign apologizing for having an affair and then paying off his Mistress's and hiring her son, by the way Ensign is a "FAmily Values" Conservative Senator from NV. Neither one did anything but apologize, bunch of hypocrites those Conservatives are. Obama has not apologized to Iran yet but if he did it would be because we backed the Shah of Iran over Democracy. Sometimes America says it stands for Democracy but sends money and weapons to bad people...Reagan sent money to Osama bin Laden to fight Afghanistan and we also sent money to the crazy Taliban as well. Maybe he will apologize for what Reagan did?

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