Monday, August 8, 2011

Do you think Putin's Policy Is Right?

I think Putin's policy is not a perfect policy, but I do sure know he is defending his country, and the people in South Ossetia. If he wanted his country to become "authoritarian" once again, he did it on the interests to resist the American aggression/imperialism. As an American, I'm quite ashamed of my fellow countrymen who support paid countries like Israel, Georgia, and other dictators like Saddam, Mossadeq, and Musharraf. People seem to forget, or not notice our dead/worthless Dollar, weaker rights, high corruption, controlled media, corporations/lobbyists controlling the government's strings. And as an American, I sometimes feel that we are dumb, naive, and arrogant. But, we need to wake up before we ignite WW3, or another major conflict to get these neo-conservatives, bankers, military/medical industries, and paid politicians stronger, richer, and more powerful, while ignoring, and violating our Constitution. Wake up, people. Great question.

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